MixOil is a highly concentrated formula of essential oils especially designed to help in reducing respiratory problems and lowered immunity accompanied by stress which affects the birds during intensive production.
Due to its unique formula MixOil do the job in many ways, it acts as mucolytic, expectorant and bronchodilator, it has antioxidant, antibacterial, antiviral, and the main action is enhancing the natural immune defense mechanisms of the body.
MixOil is advised to use as a help in the following cases
1) respiratory infections that results from viral or bacterial origin in this way it is used as bronchodialator, expectorant and should be added to chicken drinking water in a dose of 150 mil/1000 liters of drinking water for 5 consecutive days.
2) Mix it is a great appetizer as you will see increase in feed intake during a short period not exceeding 48 hours, in this way it will help to increase weight gain and improving FCR, so it is advised to use it in the cases of stress and after disease recovery at a dose of 150 ml for 3 consecutive days.
3) in cases of high viral threats MixOil could be used to enhance the immune system which will help to defense against these infections. In this case MixCil is used for 3 consecutive days at a dose of 250 ml/1000 liters of drinking water.
4) MixOil could be used to increase the immune response for vaccines, it could be added to drinking water for 3 consecutive days after each vaccine.
1. In cases of viral infections like ND, AI or IB MixOil could be used in broilers as a very effective treatment in a dose of 250 m1/1000 liters of drinking water for 3 - 5 consecutive days, you will notice a strong reduction in mortality and sease of symptoms.
2. MixOil also can be used in cases of viral infection that will cause loss in egg production in layers or breeders, it will first stop the loss in production then the production will comes back to nearly the usual production, in this case Mix011 should be used in dose of 250 m1/1000 liters of drinking water for up to 7 days, in case it is used at the beginning of symptoms the production loss is even not noticed and will not exceed 1-3% only
MixOil could be used as preventive program in broilers to overcome viral infections and increase of Wight gain as follows.
1. from 1 day old-7 days old at a dose of 150 m1/1000 liters of water.
2. for 3 consecutive days after each vaccination procedure at a dosage of 150 ml/1000 liters of drinking water.
3. in the period from 20 days old-25 days old for 3 consecutive days at a dosage of 250 ml/1000 liters of drinking water.
1. from 1 day old - 7 days old at a dose of 150 m1/1000 liters of water.
2. for 3 consecutive days after each vaccination procedure at a dosage of 150 m1/1000 liters of drinking water
3. used for 48 hours every 2 weeks at a dose of 150 m1/1000 liters of water.
4. used for 4 consecutive days after the last killed vaccine at a dose of 250 ml/1000 liters of drinking water.
Due to its high safety profile MixOil has No contraindications. (all active ingredients present in MixOil are conforms with the EU regulations 1831/2003 and its amendments, MixOil it is also one of the few formulas that is registered in US FDA)