The success of aquaculture operation depends on a great extent on water and soil quality and its management. The production in shrimp ponds is limited by the water quality degradation.


Undigested feed, excreta dead and decaying organic matter lead to deterioration of water quality. This leads to poor pond bottom and turbid water above. In addition there is a buildup of Ammonia, Nitrites and other toxic inhibitory products. The poor water quality increases the susceptibility of the animals to various pathogenic infections.

In order to improve the aquatic environment it is essential to reduce the levels of the toxic substances. Zeolytes (health stone naturally occurring minerals in the form of Aluminosilicates ) are being used as ideal means of managing water quality in aquaculture operations. They act as ion-exchangers and swap their Sodium ions for other positively charged ions for ex., Calcium or Ammonium.

Scientific studies have indicated the useful role of zeolytes in improving the water quality in fresh water. Unfortunately, an inverse relationship exist between their efficiency and salinity of water, For ex., with an increase in salinity by 5ppt their efficiency reduced by 10%. Moreover, the presence of organic material causes fouling and reduction in number of sites available for absorption. The zeolytes added to ponds settles to the pond bottom and get quickly covered by sediments from feed, decaying plant and animal material. This also severely restricts the flow of water through Zeolyte and reduces Ion absorption rates from the water column.


BIOLYTE-AQ has a unique composition of Cation Exchangers and other Bio absorbents which efficiently reduce the levels of toxic gases even in saline waters. This will purify water and indirectly enhance the Dissolved Oxygen levels. It improves aquatic environment which reduces stress and enhances the general well being of the animal.


  • AL2O3, SiO2, Fe2O3, CaO, MgO, Na2O, K20, MnO, ZnO and Trace elements.

  • Advantages :

  • Effective in freshwater and saline waters.
  • Reduces BOD, COD, noxious gases.
  • Enhances water quality.
  • Maintains phytoplankton bloom.

  • DOSAGE :

    Pond preparation 40-80 kgs / acre
    Water treatment 20-40 kgs / acre
    Regular use 10-20 kgs / acre
    For specific usage consult your aqua specialist

    USAGE :

    Mix with sand or dry soil and broadcast evenly all over the pond.